This lecture was very interesting, we learnt a great deal about organisation in a project. The premise of the lecture was around a real case study, a project Bryan worked on for the BBC called ‘The Chronicles of Freedom”. It was based around William Wilberforce and his journey to freeing the slaves. Bryan was called into the project as producer 9 months in to the 12 month contract and found that the whole thing was unorganised. By this time it was September, the 5 part radio drama had to be finished and the first one played on Boxing day. From the point where he came in there was so much more to do in terms of recording, post production and even finding the locations!
Budgets are the most important factor when beginning a project and what was agreed was way too small for the scale of this project. But it was something that could not be changed, and therefore it had to be worked with. What Bryan found with such a small budget was that it was quite hard to get an on location recording in Wilberforce’s house in Hull. The council wanted to charge in excess of £1000, so the whole recording was done in Lincoln under the Stonebow! This was for accuracy in the sound recording. Some of the public were not happy with this due to it not being the real location. If the budget were correct then maybe this could of worked!